
Dear Sir and Madam and Everyone at Family Bible Church, Christian Greetings.

Thank you and God bless you and provide for all your needs. We are grateful and indebted to you all for the sacrificial ministry and prayer support.
Thank you very much even in these painful times God is taking care of us all.
Sir and Madam everything in our city is under lock down,and we are waiting for the government orders as to when the church will resume functioning.
Sir in the last month one young lady Riya expired due to sudden illness.from the church congregation.
She was married to a church believer Gagan.
Her husband is depressed and needs prayer support.
God bless you all

In Christ
Robinson Molly Kevin

Dear Sir and Madam and Everyone at Family Bible Church Ministries USA,
Christian Greetings.

We are all doing fine by God’s grace and hope the same with you all.
Sir and Madam due to the present health condition in the world the province of Punjab and our city Kurali is in lockdown and curfew for uncertain time period. We have stored some groceries as probably prices will rise for all commodities.
Also the Church is closed as gatherings have been restricted.
We are praying and God keeps us assured that we are all safe in God’s hand.
How are you all.

In Christ,
Robinson Molly Kevin


God’s blessings and Christian greetings to all. 

We thank our Lord Almighty for all of us, as He is the only one who blesses us all. 

We praise God for establishing the Church which binds all the Believers together. 

Pastor and Sister we thank you all especially on behalf of our Family, Church, Congregation, Associates, Associates Families, School Centers, School Students. We are sincerely grateful for you Contribution towards India Ministries.


Here we share how the year has been a Blessed Year from our Almighty God. 

This December we had requested prayers that God would guide us in introducing and sharing the gospel to the village Dhianpura where Family Bible Church, India is located. Pastor we praise God quite a number of people came to Church on Christmas and participated in the celebration. There were around 250 people on Christmas day and were blessed by the sharing of the Word of God that was especially prepared to introduce Christ our Savior to the community. 

Right from November the Church Youth started cleaning, arranging and decorating the Church for Christmas. Praise God the Church is partially painted. Still the doors, windows and exterior paint remains. We pray that God would accomplish the Church paint this year.

In the early winter in September and October Robinson started Bible Character Study teachings in sermon time on Sunday. The Church congregation is inquisitive, interacts and shares that they want to know in detail what is written in the Bible. Especially our prayers and heart goes to the Congregation Individuals who cannot read and write meaning they cannot read the Bible. God answered our prayers and is arranging Audio Bibles one for each family that attends the Church. Pray for the early and sufficient arrangement of Audio Bibles.

In June, July, August, we invited Christian Choirs and Youth Groups for our church congregation. We wished that the Congregation could unlearn and understand the pattern and requirements in Church Worship. The Congregation was blessed as they have improvised and enriched the church worship time.

An Elder of our Church put forward a thought that give a passage from the Bible to the youngsters and adults so that they could share a Short Sermon for 10 minutes on the given Bible Passage. Pastor and Sister Praise God all did very well as they prepared notes and God spoke through their hearts and the congregation was edified and blessed.

Molly shared the past year Parables and Miracles after Sunday Worship Service to the Church women. Please pray for Molly as she shares Character Studies for the women this year.

Praise God for Brother Deepak, Robinson, Brother Amar and Brother Jyoti as they educate the Believers and prepare them for Baptism. Please pray for the Baptism Candidates as they meet every Saturday for classes. Also we hold a brief Church service every Saturday for those who cannot attend Sunday church service. Dear Church please pray that the congregation grows, heals and prospers so that it becomes a testimony and witness for all.

Dear Church there are around ten to fifteen youth of Marriageable Age in the Church. All of them are praying and requesting us to search a Christian Life Partner. Please pray that God answers this request. 

Pray for Brother Jyoti as he counsels and takes care of the middle aged families. God has blessed Brother Jyoti with a humble heart and very good rapport with the believers. The congregation shares concerns with Brother Jyoti and he is a loving blessing for the middle aged group. Brother Jyoti personally on behalf of his family is grateful and thanks you all for the family support.

Dear Church we praise God for brother Amar. His wife and child are together and they as family have been given the opportunity to take care of the Church Youth. Both Amar and his wife educate and counsel the Youth and help in organizing the Youth for various chores of the Church. Brother Amar also trains the Youth Choir. Brother Amar is a good Disciplinarian and does a good job in maturing the Youth in Good Christian Habits and Character.

God has blessed the Church with a Sunday School Teacher. She is doing a very fine job in the Spiritual Life of the Children.

All the Church Kitchen Helpers are doing a fine job and please pray that God blesses the Kitchen Helpers with good health and peaceful coordination.

Dear Church we thank you all and praise God, the Church is blessed by registering the Church Adjoining Land. Out of the available forty pieces of land God has registered thirty pieces on the Church name. We thank you all for the Finances sent for purchasing the Extended Church Land.

This past year quite a bit of Church construction needs were met. The Church was partially painted the First Floor Dormitory doors and windows were fixed. Electricity Fittings, Sanitary Work on the First Floor was completed. Please pray that the Church Ceiling Waterproofing and Compound Tiles could be fixed this year. 

We thank you especially as the Finances you send us always come with multiple blessings. We experience that more than what we expect is accomplished by the Ministry Support. The Finances multiply miraculously and the need is met in a very excellent way. Thank you and God bless you all.

We were praying and hoping that we could invite Pastor Gary for School Graduation and Church Blessing. But again this year the government fell into the hands of Anti Christian Ruling Party. Pray that we would be able to invite Pastor Gary for Church Blessing and School Graduation Blessing at the earliest. Please pray for all of us as this government is very strict and checks Christian Work, pray that God protects us all.

Dear Sir and Madam and Everyone at Family Bible Church USA we sincerely thank you and are grateful, indebted for Sponsoring Family Bible School and Church Ministries, India. It is a Blessing to have you as our Prayer Partners, Sponsors and Supporters. 

In Conclusion we Praise our Almighty God the Author and Finisher of our Race.



More info coming soon.